Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Let's sweep together

A few months ago, if Eoin wanted me to do something with him, he would say, "Come peas," and lead you to it. (Totally irresistible). His vocabulary has since expanded, and he can be more specific. Now he'll say, "Mommy, let's sweep together," as he juggles his mini broom, my grown-up broom, and two dustpans in his hands.

Let's make cake together.

Let's play train together. (This means boarding the couch, and alternating between yelling at an imaginary cow to get off the tracks and miming a horrific crash off a cliff. After the crash, we push the train/couch back on the tracks. Sometimes we have to fix the couch with his pretend tools first, and sometimes Eoin has to "pick me up" to put me back in the train.)

My favourite: Let's snuggle together.